Health & Wellness

Eat To Starve Cancer & Disease - TED Talk by Dr William Li

Eat To Starve Cancer & Disease - TED Talk by Dr William Li

Dr William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that cancel cells thrive on.

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Matcha Green Tea Powder for Weight Loss

Matcha Green Tea Powder for Weight Loss

We reveal the truths behind drinking green tea and its effectiveness for weight loss. Is there scientific substance behind the claims that green tea is good for weight loss or overall health?

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How Dr Terry Wahls Rocked the World of Multiple Sclerosis with Diet

Terry Wahls MD was diagnosed with a crippling case of multiple sclerosis and this TED talk, she explains how she reversed her disease

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Missed another workout session? My problem, could be your problem too.

Missed another workout session? My problem, could be your problem too.

Does anyone else agree with me, that sometimes the hardest part of a workout is actually showing up?  Even harder still is showing up regularly! I can pin it down to a number of reasons. Tiredness, feeling old, feeling unwell, lack of energy and lack of motivation. Any of these sound familiar? Then there were times when I made it to my class, but felt low on power and performed...

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Health benefits of Matcha - Supported by scientific studies

Health benefits of Matcha - Supported by scientific studies

The health benefits of Matcha have often been overstated. Here are 7 health benefits of Matcha backed up by scientific studies.

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READ THIS - How to deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis

READ THIS - How to deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Scientific studies have proven that there are certain foods that have shown to fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system. Green tea is one of them. Packed with polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants believed to reduce inflammation and slow cartridge destruction.

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Going Green on Rheumatoid Arthritis

Going Green on Rheumatoid Arthritis

A study conducted on mice reveals that mice which were fed water enriched green tea were less susceptible to developing collagen-induced arthritis compared to the mice which were not fed green tea polyphenols. 

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Caffeine Wars -  Matcha vs Coffee

Caffeine Wars - Matcha vs Coffee

How does Matcha green tea powder stack up against Coffee? In this blog post, we analyse the key differences between Matcha vs Coffee and reveal comparative results to help you decide which beverage is the best for you.

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