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Matcha Health Benefits Backed By Science

Superfoods are often overstated when it comes to evaluating their true health benefits. Green tea has been the focus of many clinical trials when testing its effectiveness against cancers, heart disease, and auto-immune diseases. 

The truth is that more human studies are required. What we do know for sure, is that Matcha, a highly concentrated green tea powder is a supremely potent source of nutrients and antioxidants that is simply hard to match in the plant-based world. 

shaded matcha leaves

What makes Matcha so special?

Just like you're off the shelf green tea, matcha comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The reason why matcha is so special is down to the way it is grown. The tea farmers grow the tea plants by shading them for 20-30 days before harvest to avoid direct sunlight. Shading increases the chlorophyll production and significantly boosts the amino acid content that gives matcha its renowned emerald green hue. 

What is the difference between Matcha and Green Tea?

Unlike loose leaf green tea, when you consume Matcha, you are consuming the entire leaf. Only the stems and veins are removed and the leaves are then grounded down into an ultra fine powder. 

Matcha contains up to 137 times more antioxidants than low-quality steeped green tea, and up to three times the antioxidants of a higher-quality tea. Read thisabstract published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) where they developed a rapid method of analysis to determine the level of catechins in Matcha and green tea. 

This determination proves that matcha is much more concentrated, so it contains more of the active compounds (catechins) per gram than steeped tea leaves. 

Think about it, when you make a typical cup of green tea, you steep the leaves in hot water and then discard the leaves before drinking.With matcha powder on the other hand, you whisk the grounded powdered tea leaves with warm water and you consume the entire powdered matcha leaves.  That’s why you only get a fraction of the antioxidants and other benefits when you drink a typical off the shelf green tea. 

Matcha health benefits infographic

How can Matcha improve overall health?

Matcha can improve your body's overall health because matcha green tea contains compounds that may help protect your body from a variety of diseases including cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain neurodegenerative disorders. Read this abstract published in NCBI that analyses the anti-inflammatory action of green tea and the overall health benefits that consuming green tea can provide. 

1. Boost your immune system

Pollution, bad diet, stress all play a role in weakening your immune system. Free radicals damage your cells and also prevent your cells from repairing themselves. The environment we live and breathe in only serve to exacerbate the free radicals harming our immune system and can lead to illness and disease later in life. 

Research* has discovered that 60% of matcha is made of one specific antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is known to boost T-cell production to reduce inflammation and fight pathogens.

Matcha powder has one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants found in all fruits and vegetables. Consuming 1 or 2 cups of matcha tea on a daily basis means that you're giving your immune system that extra help it needs to ward off illness. By any means Matcha is not a cure, but drinking matcha is a great way to boost your immune system. 

2. Reduce the risk of cancer

The inclusion of green tea into a diet on a regular basis has been heavily associated with lowering cancer risks. This study showed that green tea may have beneficial effects on cancer prevention, however, further studies such as large and long term cohort studies and clinical trials are warranted. 

Another breast cancer study showed two cohort studies where there was a reduced recurrence of breast cancer among patients at stage 1 and 2 with high consumption of green tea. 

What is a cohort study?

The cohort study design identifies people exposed to a particular factor and a comparison group that was not exposed to that factor and measures and compares the incidence of disease in the two groups.

A higher incidence of disease in the exposed group suggests an association between that factor and the disease outcome.

In this ovarian cancer study, patients with ovarian cancer and drank green tea, their survival rates were much high than those who did not drink green tea. 

3. Improved heart health

If you suffer from high cholesterol and high blood pressure than you are in risk of heart disease and stroke. 

improved hearth health matcha

Subscribing to a diet high in antioxidants can help.

In one study*, green tea drinkers had a 26% lower risk from heart attack or stroke and a 16% lower risk of death from all causes than people who drank less than 1 cup of green tea a day.In one rat study*, researchers looked at the effects of matcha on a high-fat diet.

Rats given higher concentrations of matcha showed a “significant decrease” in total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and elevated high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels

4. Improved blood sugar control

If you have high blood sugar levels or type 2 diabetes, the right combination of exercise and low-carb living may help you manage your symptoms and may even help reverse your symptoms. 

Matcha may help, too.That’s because matcha has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and may prevent blood glucose from spiking altogether. 

Researchers in Japan found that those who drink green tea or coffee have a lower risk of developing diabetes than those who sip black and oolong tea

Studies also suggest drinking green tea lowers fasting glucose and A1c numbers, which then creates a “significant” decrease in fasting insulin concentrations. 

When your blood sugar comes down and you are less insulin resistant, you’ll have an easier time losing weight (which will also lower your blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity). But can matcha actually help you lose weight?

Man taking blood level sugar test

5. Weight loss

Matcha green tea contains both EGCG and caffeine. Combined, this powerful duo is known to boost metabolism and increase fat burning.

In one study, 60 obese adults started drinking green tea, they not only lost more weight but experienced an increase in calorie burning. This was backed up by another study in healthy women. They found that when matcha tea consumption was combined with mild exercise, it increased exercise induced fat burning with matcha than without.

6. Jitter free energy boost.

A serving of matcha contains 70mg of caffeine, or about 50-75% of the caffeine you’ll find in a cup of coffee[*]. 

That’s about three times the caffeine you’ll find in traditionally steeped green tea because you’re consuming the entire tea leaf. This healthy dose of caffeine is not enough to cause adverse side effects like anxiety or a subsequent crash in most people. Matcha — and all green tea, for that matter — also contains L-theanine, a naturally calming amino acid that counteracts the jittery feeling you get from most caffeinated beverages.

Still, you’ll want to limit matcha if you’re pregnant, giving it to children, or drinking it too close to bedtime due to the caffeine content. What’s even better is the calm concentration you’ll score after drinking matcha.

Girl jumping on the beach with energy

7. Deep focus, relaxed state of mind

Buddhist monks favoured matcha because it enhances mental alertness and lets you focus in a calm, meditative state of mind.

This may be due to the mighty combination of caffeine and L-theanine naturally found in matcha powder. L-theanine is an amino acid recognised for its ability to promote serene, alert feelings without drowsiness. 

Researchers have discovered L-theanine may be able to:

Woman concentrating on work

Since sunlight lowers the L-theanine content in tea leaves, shade-grown matcha contains as much as five times the L-theanine you’ll find in green and black tea.

L-theanine, when combined with caffeine, curbs the typical downfalls of coffee while promoting a positive mood and a state of mental relaxation, which leads to better mental performance.

But like all things food and nutrition, not all matcha tea is created equal. Source the highest-quality tea for the best results.

Final word: Should you try Matcha tea?

No food or beverage, no matter how many benefits medical studies may find, is right for everyone at all times. 

Matcha contains caffeine, and not everyone responds well to caffeine. If you find that it doesn’t work for you — no problem. You’ll find some other fabulous, health-boosting beverages.

But for many people, quality matcha is worth a try. You can take a little time out of your day to savour the experience and let yourself bask in the rich flavours and calming energy it brings.After all, we can all enjoy a little bliss now and then.

Want to drink matcha tea? As you’ve seen above, selecting a high-quality brand is important - Like EISAI Ceremonial grade Matcha.

Why is this organically grown matcha tea excellent? It starts with its source. This matcha comes from Uji. The Uji region is synonymous with the highest grade of matcha green tea powder in Japan.

EISAI ceremonial grade matcha has an incredible, creamy, umami flavour that is quite delightful. 

Start your Matcha tea journey with a Purematcha ceremonial tea set. Each set contains everything you need to brew beautiful tasting Matcha.

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