Purematcha has joined forces with Australian Partners of Defence (APOD) to recognise all defence and veteran families with an exclusive benefit.

For instant access to this exclusive defence discount, simply login or register at www.apod.com.au and verify your defence connection with APOD. 

Saving has never been easier!

who is apod? 

APOD is an Australian owned and operated organisation founded by veteran families, for veteran families.

Since 2012, APOD has been working with businesses of all sizes to deliver exclusive offers to serving Australian Defence Force personnel, reservists, allied forces, veterans and their immediate family members.

APOD understands the sacrifices made in the name of service and have been committed for over 7 years to creating the bridge between businesses and the Australian defence community for those organisations that want to say thank you for your service.

For further information on APOD, please go to https://apod.com.au/about/

APOD Membership 

APOD is exclusive to current serving defence members, veterans, and their families. If you qualify go to https://apod.com.au to find out more about membership and pricing.

Search for discounts 

There are thousands of savings on offer for APOD members, ranging from experiences to travel to everyday savings. Visit https://apod.com.au/browseto see what's on offer.

What are you looking for?