Why does your matcha taste bad

Matcha mania is flourishing everywhere, it's nuts!

If you've ever tasted matcha and you didn't like it, then there's a few reasons why, given that most of the matcha available on eBay and Amazon is of such low quality it's unreasonable to even call it matcha at all.

What you're most likely tasting is ground up green tea waste, that's never been shade grown nor stone milled and picked from a harvest long long time ago.

Matcha comes in grades. We also wrote an article on how you can test the different matcha grades yourself with a few easy checks.

Everyone wants to love matcha, it's reputation for the superpowers people swear to such as weight loss, anti-aging properties, glowing skin and hair, antioxidant properties and packed with flavonoids and phytonutrients that promise a healthier, sexier life.

Who wouldn't want to love it?  

But why does matcha taste bad?

Here's the thing. Matcha is not supposed to taste bad... It's supposed to taste AMAZING! But if you're drinking it as a straight up tea, then you must start with a good quality matcha, otherwise you're going to be disappointed.

The underlying truth here is that great tasting matcha cannot be acquired cheaply.

There are so many steps involved in order to produce the best tasting matcha that there's simply no way around it. 

If you do manage to get your hands on a top quality matcha then here are a few tips on getting the most from a good matcha:

1. Use filtered water

Water is a massive factor when brewing matcha tea. Smelly water results in smelly matcha tea. So use filtered water or bottled water to ensure that your matcha will taste amazing every single time. 

2. Scoop the right amount of matcha

One scoop of matcha equates to 1 gram of matcha (using a bamboo scoop). Experiment with 1 scoop or 2 scoops of matcha and add water to taste. Adjust water to matcha ratio until you have the right balance of flavour

3. Use the right water temperature 

Never brew matcha with boiling water. This is one of the main reasons why matcha can taste bad. Boiling water will make your matcha taste bitter. The ideal water temperature when brewing matcha is approximately 70-80 degrees celsius. The umami flavours that matcha is desired for are best extracted when brewing matcha at this warm water temperature.  

4. Serve matcha in something beautiful 

Consuming matcha is supposed to be an enriching relaxing experience. When serving matcha, don't serve it in an old english tea cup. Try serving it in a matcha bowl (Chawan). When you embrace the bowl in the palm of your hands you'll feel the warm connection to this ancient tea.  

Matcha Buying guide - How to tell the difference.



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