Our matcha story started in December 2013 during our honeymoon in Kyoto Japan. My wife curiously ordered a vibrant green matcha latte from a cafe in Kyoto and she was immediately drawn by the matcha's full-bodied green tea flavour. I had a taste myself, finished my flat white and went right back into the cafe and ordered another matcha for myself. For a good part of that day, we spoke about how great a green tea latte would sell back home in Australia. At that time, we knew little about the rich history and importance of matcha tea in Japanese culture. Let alone the secret health benefits that matcha tea has been providing to the Japanese people for centuries.

We have since sampled matcha teas from all the popular matcha producing regions of Japan and finally settled for what we believe to be the best tasting organic matcha you can buy.

Purematcha green teas are grown and harvested from organic farms in Uji region of Japan. Our farmers still follow the traditional methods for producing some of the finest matcha teas that you can buy.

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